Jazida Productions Pop Up Party - Flash Mob Mashup Music.mp3

This is where you can find the free learning resources and breakdown of the moves in for the FLASHMOB act at the Pop Up Parties!
Everyone who joins the flashmob in the Canberra shows, get s FREE rainbow tie-dyed bandana to KEEP as a thank you for being part of the event!
Anyone who would like to rehearse in-person, or have any questions answered, can contact flazedahub@gmail.com or text 0433727857 and we can run rehearsals on Fridays at 6pm
The song we are dancing to is a custom mashup mixed by Tarsier
Jazida Productions Pop Up Party - Flash Mob Mashup Music.mp3
Below are a series of videos that breakdown the flashmob choreography!
The camera in the top right corner shows the view from the back.
The main video shows the video from the front. Treat the main video as if you are looking in a mirror.
The right side of the video is the right side of your body
This is the entire run through of the flashmob whole choreography all the way through
This is an alternate version of the choreography that can be done from a seated position, for anyone who needs to remain sitting through the flashmob performance
This is the entire choreography danced through to music, with a talk through guide about what we are doing in which parts
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in section 2 of the flashmob choreography
Section 1 happens 0:00 - 0:25 of the music
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in section 2 of the flashmob choreography
Section 2 happens 0:25 - 0:43 of the music
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in section 3 of the flashmob choreography
Section 3 happens 0:43 - 1:06 of the music
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in betwen section 3 and 4 of the flashmob choreography. This is the end of section 3 and gives us the transition into section 4
Section 3 happens 0:43 - 1:06 of the music
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in section 4 of the flashmob choreography
Section 4 happens 1:06 - 1:37 of the music
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in section 5 of the flashmob choreography
Section 5 happens 1:37 - 2:09 of the music
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in section 5 of the flashmob choreography
Section 5 happens 2:09 - 2:46 of the music
This is a step by step explanation of what is happening in section 7 of the flashmob choreography
Section 7 happens 2:46 - 3:06 of the music
You can wear anything you like!! There are no wrong answers! Be as fabulous, or as casual as you feel like! Mostly it's about being comfortable and having FUN!!!
We recommend coming along in a fun bit of activewear! Bring your 80s workout goddess aesthetic for a bit of colourful fun (but this is not a requirement)
We recommend wearing flat shoes (like sneakers) because the ground can be a bit uneven depending on the location of the pop up party
© Copyright Flazeda