In 2020, the Fabulous Fan Society was founded - and people across Australia (and the world) studied online learning resources for x4 different choreographies, which were performed together flashmob style at Decadence and Debauchery in 2022, with Michael Wheatley singing live! (See the video>>>>>>)
In 2022, we are collaborating with Finucane and Smith, to deliver a scaled back version (just fan veils, no feather fans) to perform on 5 November at the Wellington Civic Centre (part of the Dubbo Regional Council)
People will be granted access to online learning portals to learn technique and choreography for using silk fan veils.
Anyone who wishes to perform with us, must attend a rehearsal in Dubbo on 5 November 2022 in the morning and be at the Wellington Civic Centre Theatre in the afternoon/evening.
The learning portal contains a collection of videos that
This is a video showing the final choreograph and tricks you'll learn through this portal
This is a video showing the final choreograph and tricks you'll learn through this portal
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